Afraid Of Doing Things Wrong

When clients intentionally rewire their patterns of thoughts, feelings, and actions, their brains and their reality are literally no longer the same . When you finally recognize old family patterns, the door to the remarkable opens and you are able to generate, experience, and embody an evolutionary great, large leap. How does a representative pick up information from the client and the knowing field? Echoes of actions, words, thoughts, and feelings form what Sheldrake refers to as laws or habits. He says that families have fields and that patterns and habits exist within them, something that is well documented in systemic work and constellations. Fields are related to information. For example, in psychology, Field Theory recognizes and examines the patterns created between an individual and the total field of their environment. Our eyes intercept electromagnetic radiation in the visible light spectrum from objects and interpret it. Sheldrake speculates that through morphic resonance, the occurrence of events in one place creates similar events in other places, perhaps generations apart. The knowing field may thus be a repository of events and all the decisions and actions that occurred around those events, made available for exploration in the present moment. Prior to 1905, the physical universe could be explained by Newtonian physics. Atoms were pictured as tiny solid planets zipping through space, and the tiny physical particles that made up atoms, forming the foundation of matter, were thought to be concrete objects. Electron microscopes proved that atoms were made up of particles that had electrical charge but no mass whatsoever.

Good Times  Bad Times

Good Times Bad Times

Apparently, every thing in the world, including the world itself, is made up of formless energy. Einstein also explained the photoelectric effect, theorizing that instead of waves, light came in discrete packets of energy quanta, later to be called photons. In 1920, physicist Niels Bohr came up with an explanation for this puzzling phenomenon in the Copenhagen interpretation, proposing that the act of observing the experiment changes the outcome. Consciousness apparently affects the quantum field . Although it is still highly controversial and not conclusively proven, studies also show that mental intention does interact with the energetic quantum field that underlies all of reality. Consistently, in all six experiments, seeds that were sent intention grew taller than the controls. This is why it is paramount that, in constellations, the facilitator have no expectations and intentions influencing the client and coloring the experience within the constellation. The existence of the quantum field and the potential impact of intention is one of the major reasons the facilitator must remain neutral. Another mysterious aspect of quantum mechanics that might help explain constellations is entanglement. Experiments have proven that when two electrons come in contact with each other, their spin states become linked. They bump into one another and, from that moment on, if the spin state of one of those electrons changes, the spin state of the other electron changes to match it instantaneously, even if the two electrons are a million light years apart. It’s like one kiss and they’re married forever.

Time After Time

Entanglement proved everything in the universe is fundamentally connected at an energetic level. If the basic elements of the universe are all interconnected in an infinite, entangled web, and if human consciousness can affect that web, the world we think we know so well is not at all what it seems. The theory that the universe is actually a gigantic hologram has been kicking around the scientific world since the early 1990s. You’re our only hope! way back in 1977 in the movie Star Wars? But, according to the holographic theory, what you will actually see is the entire holographic image of Princess Leia. The nature of a hologram is such that the whole holographic image is found in every fragment of the image. Which means all the systemic information in the morphogenic field of the constellation is available to everyone in the room. Now we potentially have all the background information needed to answer the questions of how a constellation works, how Sandra carries ancestral information, how the representative for Sandra’s grandmother knew to pick up those water bottles, drink, and then leave the constellation, and how the insight this triggered instantly changed Sandra’s reality forever. Neuroscience, an explanation for how Sandra can experience an instantaneous shift in perception during the constellation, interrupting old patterns of thought, changing her personal reality forever. It is composed of entangled fields of quantum energy and information, including the information of Sandra’s family system. Over the years, I’ve conducted thousands of constellations and witnessed thousands of breakthroughs and innumerable breathtaking aha moments. I’ve seen people’s lives dramatically change in the space of a few heartbeats. I’ve watched this transformation happen over and over again.

Break The Spell

Now, you’ve just been given some of the best scientific explanations currently available on how it works. Whether or not these explanations are accurate only time and more research will tell. And the best way to do that is to do a constellation. In Systemic Steppingstone, I invited you to step into and see your family system. Identify all the relevant components of the system you wish to see, interact with, and explore. Lay the pieces out the way that feels right to you without overthinking it. See, touch, and rearrange those pieces, noticing the relationships between each component. Feel who is engaged or not. Sense the relationships between the components people. This is you reading the field, sensing the invisible quantum information that lies within it. This is what great leaders are talking about when they talk about following their gut or their heart. They sense what’s going on around them in a way that transcends mere physical evidence, their hearts are opened, and their minds are inspired to create at a whole new level. But we tend to get locked into patterns of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs where transformation doesn’t seem that possible. This is what life is really like when we are truly awake to it. We’re afraid of doing things wrong or differently.