We Should Be Creating Our Destiny

What can we do with that? Or they say, I’m held back by some invisible weight, and I’m stuck. And I say, Let’s find out where that came from and turn that into your gift! You are never a victim of your world. There is always something you can do. A system you can change. You feel its presence in your body, sense it in your gut, and experience it in your life. It can change your entire family system and how it has been functioning for generations. Your emotional blueprint just is. It isn’t good or bad. These meanings define your reality and seem like the truth. The embodied experience can only be described as transformational. That they matter and have purpose. From that moment on, their lives are never the same again.


Don't Fence Me In

I’ll show you how to decode the language that contains clues to the power of you, and how these systems are always in service of you. Events cause reactions, which then create thoughts, feelings, and actions. Repeated often enough, these actions become the truth until you choose to do it differently. One new thought, one new feeling, and one new action at a time! I once worked with an executive who came to see me because he’d been told he had a lot of potential but that he wasn’t showing up fully in his work. He was creating and supporting other people’s talents, but not shining himself. By the time he came to me, his career was in jeopardy. When we looked at his family system, it turned out he was the eldest child who had been told to always look after the younger ones and put them first. That family pattern had crossed over into his career. As soon as he saw the pattern that had been invisibly running the show, he realized he could look after his own career as a leader and stop looking after everyone else. It was okay to move forward and take care of himself. Then, as a leader, he could help others. Transformation is a revolutionary part of systemic work and constellations.

Unspoken Words

Executives and other clients I work with are shocked by the depths to which they are able to go and the heights to which they are able to soar as they explore their rich inner systemic world. I’m going to take you through the basic steps of systemic work and constellations in the most understandable way I know. Along the way you will discover how feelings and emotions are the juice that either destroys or elevates you, and you’ll come to understand how to use higher emotions to shift into insight and wisdom. You will understand at a profound level that you are indeed the genie in your own bottle, and you will encounter the sacred you by using your heart to open your mind and access your gut’s intelligence. Once your heart and head align, you will notice how your gut switches from survival to wisdom. And that state of coherence is where the chemistry and the magic happen for individuals, leaders, and teams. You will finally get that you are a sensing being, and that you know how to use your senses no matter how shut down you may think you are. You will also understand how your body is continually sending you messages, telling you what is going on for you and your entire family or organizational system. We miss so many clues because we don’t understand what our bodies are telling us! I have had clients who unconsciously stand on one leg when they’re just waiting around. When I point it out and ask, Which of your parents is absent from your life? Whose support do you not have? they are uniformly shocked to realize that their bodies have been shouting at them to awaken to their precarious, unsupported position their entire lives. The body is the repository of thousands of years of experiences and has incredible intelligence. We just have to learn to tap into its intelligence and know what it is saying.

Come Together

I had a client who kept reporting a stabbing pain in her stomach. Tests revealed nothing. As with all information, once we become aware of it, the choice is then ours as to whether to continue to embody the same message or evolve beyond it. You will learn to identify the patterns that want to stop and start for you. You will learn about the wisdom of your heart, brain, and gut and how constellations help to create profound and lasting shifts. We have the incredible ability to evolve into whatever we choose. Transformation is not for the chosen few. It’s been here waiting for you all along. Once you learn who you are through the lens of systemic work and constellations, you will see that there is an incredible life just waiting for you to shape and embody it. Welcome to the journey! And yet just the opposite is true. We are deeply connected. From the time we’re conceived until long after we die, we’re part of a multigenerational family system that goes back to the dawn of humanity. We’re part of a social system thousands of years in the making. They determine the direction our lives take, often shaping our fate when we should be creating our destiny. These systems that influence us, commanding our unconscious loyalty from first breath to last, are largely invisible yet intensely powerful. We just pop a Xanax and soldier on. We don’t realize that our career ambitions started when we saw our parents struggle. How about what happened to Lucia? This was the seventh tumor she’d had in as many years, and her doctors had no idea why her body kept producing them. She’d had six surgically removed so far, and each time a tumor formed, her body would swell as if she were with child. During our work together, it came to light that her grandmother had had seven marriages.