Stress And Symptoms Of Stress

The closer and more intimate you get in a relationship, the higher the intensity of the anxiety displayed in such a relationship can be. In certain situations, there is this issue that anxiety will grow into depression or stress if not managed. It is a safer choice than medicine to cure this by natural means, which often induces certain things. This is part of keeping the blood sugar level low to stabilize mood swings. Divide tasks into phases that are smaller. Listen to music you enjoy, Aromatherapy. Speak to somebody about it if they should not seek support. Your very last choice should still be to take medicine, even with depression. To date, prescription treatment has not healed any depression, even when the patient has included other option. When you begin a relationship, the initial stage can get you worried and tense with different questions in your head, begging for answers. Does he/she like me? Will this work out? How serious will this get? It is sad to know that these worries do not diminish in the later stages of the relationship when you’re plagued with anxiety. Worry, stress, and anxiety about your relationships can leave you feeling lonely and dejected.

Glad All  Over

Glad All Over

You may unknowingly create a distance between yourself and your loved one. Another grave consequence of anxiety is its ability to make us give up on love completely. That is rather devastating because love is a very beautiful thing. It is important to understand what makes you so anxious in a relationship and why you feel insecure and attached. I will take you through some of the reasons in subsequent paragraphs. The more you cherish a person, the more you stand to lose. This intense feeling of love and the powerful emotions that come with it consciously and unconsciously create the fear of being hurt and the fear of the unknown in you. Oddly enough, this fear comes from being treated exactly how you want to be treated in your relationship. When you begin to experience love, as it should be, or when you are treated in a tender and caring way, which is unfamiliar to you, anxiety might set in. More often than not, it is not only the events between you and your partner that lead to anxiety. It is the things you tell yourself and feed your mind regarding those events that ultimately lead to anxiety. Your biggest critic, which is also the mean coach you have in your head, can criticize you and feed you with bad advice, ultimately fueling your fear of intimacy.

Torn And Frayed

You are not smart, he/she would soon get bored of you. You will never meet anyone who will love you, so why try? Don’t trust him, he’s probably searching for a better person. She doesn’t love you. This mean coach in your head manipulates you and turns you against yourself and the people you love. It encourages hostility, and you soon discover that you are paranoid. This mean coach in your head constantly feeds you with thoughts that jeopardize your happiness and make you worry about your relationship rather than allowing you to enjoy it. When you begin to focus so much on these unhealthy thoughts, you become distracted from the real relationship, which involves healthy communication and love with your partner. You soon discover that you react to unnecessary issues and utter nasty and destructive remarks. You may also become childish or parental towards your partner. For example, your partner comes home from work and does not have a good appetite, so they politely turn down dinner. What has he eaten all day? Who has been bringing food to him at work? Can I believe him? These thoughts can continually grow in your mind until the next morning you are insecure, furious, and temperamental. You may begin to act cold or angry, and this can put your partner off, making them frustrated and defensive.

Chimes Of Freedom

They won’t know what’s been going on in your head, so your behavior will seem like it comes out of nowhere. In just a few hours, you have successfully shifted the dynamics of your relationship. Instead of savoring the time you are spending together, you may waste an entire day feeling troubled and drawn apart from each other. What you have just done is initiate and enthrone the distance you feared so much. The reality is that you can handle the hurts, rejections, and disappointments that you are so afraid of. We are made so that it is possible to absorb negative situations, heal from them, and deal with them. You are capable of experiencing pain and ultimately healing and coming out stronger. Even when, in reality, there are real issues and unhealthy situations, that inner voice in your head will magnify such situations and tear you apart in ways you do not deserve. It will completely misrepresent the reality of the situation and dampen your resilience and determination. It will always give you unpleasant opinions and advice. However, these critical voices you hear in your head are formed as a result of your unique experiences and what you’ve adapted to over time. When you feel anxious or insecure, there is a tendency to become overly attached and desperate in your actions. Possessiveness and control towards your partner set in. On the other hand, you may feel an intrusion in your relationship. You may begin to retreat from your partner and detach from your emotional desires. You may begin to act unforthcoming or withdrawn. These patterns of responding to issues may stem out from your early attachment styles. These style patterns influence how you react to your needs and how you go about getting them met. Relationships are stressful and when they are, there can be various symptoms that arise. We will explore those and what you can do to lessen your stress and anxiety in a relationship. One person feels the other person is not making an effort to keep the relationship healthy, they may feel anxious.