Transformation Always Takes Place When You Are Willing

What have you held on to in life that you know that you should have let go of earlier? Transformation always takes place when you are willing to move on from the labels of your past and remember your sovereign self. In my most recent research into how to be the love you wish to feel, I now understand the importance of not feeling responsible for others throughout this process. I would unintentionally place myself at the very end of the pecking order. This meant that I could truly only surrender when I knew that everyone else would be okay. Not that I remember, but my very first experience of being in the world was the feeling of being strangled. The umbilical cord was wrapped tightly around my neck, and as my mother pushed, it tightened the noose. When I finally came out, I was blue due to the lack of oxygen. My mother told me that she smiled for the first year of my life. This was probably because I was the first child after the pain of relinquishing her first two sons. My identity was to be there to provide love to my parents. I had to learn how to surrender this so I could finally heal, and this is why it was so hard to live away from my son, Thomas. It’s about cultivating a solid sense of discernment, and only you can truly know when it’s time to let go and move forward.

Never Be  Anyone Else But You

Never Be Anyone Else But You

Feel your feelings, especially in the pit of your stomach. If you feel butterflies, then take a leap of faith. On a daily basis, I want you to consciously develop your powers of discernment. When it comes to choosing what to eat, for example, it’s a great practice to tune in to the foods you know will serve you the most. Notice what your gut tells you instead of your taste buds. The important part is to pause and ask your higher self to guide you to decisions that will empower your journey and serve you in the best way possible. The key to unlocking your intuition? It’s to surrender and let go. You could be making someone else’s day by offering up the things that no longer serve you. This helps to circulate the energy of creativity and goodwill to the people who need it most. One of the most empowering things I have done is immerse myself in online education. When I surrendered to the process, it felt more effortless. There’s no such thing as being an overnight success.

No Place To Go

If you see someone you perceive to be at a certain level of prosperity or success, most of the time, it took some serious work to get there, and they definitely would have strengthened their muscles of surrender along the way. When you want to achieve great things in your life, you have to be willing to hustle and let go at the same time. It’s striking a balance between intense focus and release. The type of work ethic and your willingness to succeed will thrive if you trust that you are capable of letting go of the reins of control. Simply put, if you want to succeed at something, you have to be willing to fail. This might sound oversimplified, but common sense is a skill that some people don’t explore that is really great when it comes to the process of letting go. For instance, I know not to put a knife in the toaster because I will electrocute myself. I check both ways before I cross a road. I know how to check the oil in my car, clean up the glass when it smashes on the floor, and how to mend a hole with a needle and thread when there is a tear in a piece of clothing. The best thing to do is make a list of all the things you know you are capable of doing, whether it’s a simple task of practicality or being a first responder in an emergency situation. Just like intuition, the more you acknowledge your levels of common sense, the more it will show up for you in your times of need when you might be forced to let go of your desire to control an outcome. Be prepared and you won’t be scared.

Keep The Faith

This is a confession of when I used to micromanage certain situations. Sean and I were moving out of our tiny apartment into a much larger home in Melbourne, Australia. I felt so much anxiety because of my emotions and because of the oven cleaner fumes. I snapped at Sean and was so mad that I had my head in the oven and he was doing nothing. He left for a short while and then returned to inform me he had hired a cleaner for less than fifty dollars because it would show me that just because I could do something doesn’t mean that I should. Wearing a martyr badge is annoying and shows an inflexibility to not let go of control. This awareness was a turning point in my ability to ask for help and also to become a team player. This has been documented to increase the likelihood of accomplishment. Ever since I was a child, I would visualize my desired outcome. With maturity and emotional alchemy on my side, it’s an even more powerful tool to use, and it’s so simple. Take five minutes to sit in meditation, and then visualize your ideal outcome or what you would like to manifest. Tune in on how this will allow you to feel and go for it! If you had to place your level of trust in the Universe on a scale of 1 to 10, what would it be and why? Where in your life do you assert the most personal control? What are some of the feelings you experience when you think of letting go of someone or something in your life and from the past?